July 31, 2014

New BASDOME baskets in stock

Our new BASDOME baskets are now in stock in all 5 sizes. Click here to shop online

Perfect for storage - or turn it upside down and use it as a simple lampshade.
The bamboo sticks will show the most amazing shadow effect.

July 30, 2014


SUMMER is a week in our simple summerhouse in Rågeleje; 

Sand on the floor, children playing, barbecuing, an evening swim and lots of mosquitoes. 

Soon it's over, but these pictures will be in my memory for a long time.


Pictures by Iben & Nils Ahlberg

July 22, 2014

Tine's Summer Cottage

Tine and family including mother, Karen, owner of I Rosens Navn - a beautiful flower shop in the North of Copenhagen, share a nice summer cottage in the Northern part of Sjælland.

A lot of nice moments and memories have taken place here.
Click here to read a Danish article about the place, and click here to see more pictures from the cottage.

July 21, 2014

The Color of Our Autumn 2014

The Norwegian Magazine Vakre Hjem & Interiør recently made a nice blog post with pictures from our new Autumn/Winter DUST Collection. The Dust color is new in our collection and will be the color of our autumn 2014.

We are looking forward to decorating our homes with this lovely, feminine color when summer turns into autumn.